lunar kiss

when our moon kisses the sky
salted rivers trace my face
they embark from envious eyes
and flood my pillowcase
hushed waterfalls disgorge
a deluge never seen
my muted musing left the forge
without full hammering
my thoughts, I draft
off to war
on holey raft
that’s not secure
I’ve sent them forth
in dire weather
the blades I gave,
soft as a feather
I had them clad in armor,
but to my disdain
it wilts and melts right to the floor
at the slightest sight of rain
I gave them boots
to tread damp ground
I had no clue
they’d drown the town
they tore apart the very thing
that sores my heart,
but makes it sing
and rain
will soon
escape my eye
with pain
watch the moon
kiss the sky

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