between the silence

the silence between cascading rain she caught his eye in hurricane be cautious I of storms mundane and silence in between breath taken by her turbulence silent lungs awaken me in his sight ambivalence? or is mistaken he? the silence between tears of sky quell not my hurricane be cautious why of gentle rain? the… Continue reading between the silence

I’ll be

salted rivers Flood a lonely face  Left in shivers With no fireplace  Burdened thoughts  weigh more  Than stars condensed I’m caught up In a war But with no defense  I’ll be whatever  You need me to be I’ll be your river I’ll be your sea  I’ll leave you alone Or give you company  I’ll stand… Continue reading I’ll be

mom said

I’m a walking disaster I’m always chasing after heartbreak and mistakes you dont want to roll with me i'll leave a bad taste on your teeth I'm a constant regret what mom said, i forget about good choices about rude thoughts one I should do the other do not